The Caterer Maximising Revenue Summit

The impact of the cost of living crisis is far from over and customers are continuing to tighten their belts when it comes to spending.   The past year has seen significant changes when it comes to hitting revenue targets, with many operators reporting prices softening.   So how can operators offer guests value for money as well as the best experience possible to encourage repeat spend? We explore how to increase revenue despite prices flattening and look at how to softly upsell added-value, from spa treatments to that special bottle of wine, to maximise returns and leave guests feeling satisfied.   

In this summit you will learn

  • How 2024 compares to 2023 in terms of pricing
  • What guests really want when they go out to eat or stay in a hotel during a cost of living crisis
  • Strategies for enhancing customer experience without pressured upselling
  • How operators can elevate their offering for guests and provide extra value
  • How to create enticing packages or bundles that offer added value to guests while maximising revenue
  • Tips on training staff to effectively communicate upselling opportunities without alienating guests 


Ethan Davids
founder and director
Chickpea Group
Samina Hussain-Letch
executive director
Square UK
Katie Niland
sales director
The Belfry Hotel & Resort
Jennifer Paylor
group revenue director
James Pomeroy
global economist


Maximising Revenue Summit Agenda

James Stagg, editor, The Caterer

The pricing landscape: Where will operators see demand in the next 12 months?

HSBC global economist James Pomeroy explains what is driving demand in hospitality and where he expects to see discretionary spend. In a positive take on the big picture for hospitality, Pomeroy will describe why he expects spend to tilt towards hospitality as wage pressures abate and the outlook for interest rates improves.


James Pomeroy, global economist, HSBC 

How to continue to grow and drive revenue

Samina Hussain-Letch will run through suggestions for hospitality businesses on how to continue to drive growth and revenue, despite external economic implications. These recommendations are based on industry research and real life business growth examples.


Samina Hussain-Letch, executive director, Square UK

Panel: How to maximise revenue as prices soften

We gather a group of expert operators to share how they have been encouraging guests to spend more during cash-strapped times. Our expert panel will share tips on increasing overall margin and the pain points and opportunities they have discovered on their journey.


Ethan Davids, founder & director, Chickpea Group 

Katie Niland, sales director, the Belfry Hotel & Resort

Jennifer Paylor, group revenue director, RBH


Caroline Baldwin, deputy editor, The Caterer

Closing remarks


Square runs point of sale and payment solutions for businesses, including dedicated solutions for restaurants and other hospitality businesses. Square offers purpose-built software to run complex restaurant operations, including staff management, table mapping, kitchen display systems, payroll capabilities, and much more – all of which work together to save sellers time and effort. 4 million businesses worldwide trust Square to power their business. For more information, visit

Contact us:

For editorial enquiries:

James Stagg

+44 7790 192369  

For event enquiries:

Sophie Lancaster

+44 7814760262

For sponsorship enquiries:

Cheryl Townsend

+44 7780 478673